Welcome to Jon and Care's Web Site
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What's New? We are adding new things to the site often. This is what we've recently added ...
What is a Rizbee? Rizbee was one of our Siberian Huskies - Trout (deceased), Rizbee (deceased), Asia (deceased), Tasmania (deceased), Lyra, and Bugatti. Don't ask about their names. Care thought them up in a dream. How do you navigate around this site? This site is organized in a hierarchy with this page (the home page) at the top. Buttons along the top of each page take you to pages "below" in the hierarchy. Buttons along the left side of each page take you to neighboring pages in the hierarchy. If you get lost, you can always press the home button at the left side of the page to come back to this page. Many of the pages have a table of contents at the top of the page. You can click on an item in the table of contents and go directly there. We organize our photos chronologically in a yearbook. We also are organizing our travel geographically by a travel map. You can send us e-mail to let us know you visited.