

Margaret River
Ocean Drive

We officially start the new year in another country, Australia. Only this trip, we have ventured to the west coast to see the city of Perth and visit the vineyards of Margaret River.  We traverse the continent to do some driving along the Great Ocean Road in the southeast and then hop a plane for our first trip to Tasmania.

Click on labels in the map at left or on a picture below for images of our Australia trip.

Margaret River -- our first stop was in Southwest Australia in a wine-making area that reminded us of what Sonoma county must have been like 30 years ago.
Perth -- in Perth, we rented a Cessna 172 with an instructor and flew over the city.
Great Ocean Road -- we toured the Barossa valley (famous for wine making) and drove along the Great Ocean Road - along Australia's southern coast from Adelaide to Melbourne.
Tasmania -- one of the highlights of our trip was the Bay of Fires Walk on the northeast coast of Tasmania.

On to New Zealand