August 2004


Highlights of August 2004

Click here to see what we were reading in August

Tasmania at 6 months

 TasZ at 6 months


Tasmania and Asia


Guanpei's Aerial Adventure

On August 12, Jon took Jim and Guanpei, visitors from China, for a brief bay tour. The fog was thick over the city and the bridge so our views were limited. Guanpei got some good photos of the takeoff sequence before his batteries died.

Jon and Jim preflight Jon and Guanpei preflight
Takeoff Crosswind
Downwind O69 - Petaluma Airport from the downwind to 29er
Sonoma Country and Petaluma River from the Downwind Departure Petaluma River
The bay
Later that day, Jon and Guanpei went to Stanford to visit Martin.


Rodney Strong Concert

On August 15th, we went to the Rodney Strong Winery for a cool Jazz concert with Dave Koz and friends

Picnic Prep Crowd before the concert
Rick Braun a fan Rick Braun

Jane, Scott, Mallory

On August 21, Jane, Scott and Mallory visited after they dropped Megan off at Berkeley for her freshman year. Jane and Jon flew a bay tour. We then had dinner.

Golden Gate City

TasZ tortures Jon

Sea Ranch

The last week in August, we went to one of our favorite getaways, Sea Ranch - on the Sonoma Coast, about 2 hours northwest of our house.

The Beach The bluffs
The Trail along the ocean View from our house at sunset
Water Cypress
A young buck Seals



On to September