June 1999


Highlights June 1999


On June 6, we hiked up Mt. Burdell (near our house) and had a picnic.

care gets readyThe blanket is spread





Jon rests after lunch




A bay view from our picnic sitethe lake view from our picnic site





Lee Robie, a friend from SDRC, met Jon for dinner while he was attending the Java One conference in San Francisco

Lee eats steak






Beth Bernstein's 40th! David B threw a 40th birthday bash for Beth.

The birthday - guest of honorAs the party gathers momentum....






The Other Mrs. Bernstein ... David's MomDavid's Dad and our host...





John C enjoys a scotch and stogieStephen stokes up for a marathon meeting with DGNancy with our host







Our host makes sure Nancy has enough to drinkEven Sam is in a festive mood






Jake cleans up the cakeDad gets a few shots indavid's other life revealed...







Kids enjoyed the poolAlthough some of the bigger kids got rowdy





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