April 1999


Highlights of April 1999

  • Post Ranch - weekend getaway to Post Ranch
  • Palm Springs - Autodesk sales conference (and volleyball game) in Palm Springs
  • Audi - Care's new car



We stayed at Post Ranch in Big Sur over Easter Weekend and did a major 10 mile hike over the coast range into the Big Sur River valley. This is a waterfall at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park on the Big Sur coast.

Falls at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park








We stayed in Post Ranch in an "Ocean House"

Room in our ocean house at Post RanchOur Ocean House at Post Ranch






The view from our house at Post Ranch

Post Ranch from Coast Ridge RoadCare reading





On Sunday, we did a 10 mile hike over the Coast Range and down the Big Sur River valley.

Care resting during the hikeThe start of the Terrace Creek Trail






National Forest SignThe trail












Care needs a snackA tired hiker rests on the trail






Close to the end

In mid-April we went to Palm Springs for an Autodesk meeting - of course it was not all work, we got in a party and volleyball game. While Jon was in meetings, Care attended tennis camp and visited a desert museum. She walked a mile for a camel.

MCAD Party in Palm SpringsJon tries to serve






Care socializes at the partyCare walks a mile for a camel at the desert museum

After being rear-ended by a local teenager driving a BMW, Care decided to trade in her 10-year old Audi for a new Audi Quattro A4. It is almost the identical car -- with 10 years of improvements

The old ('89) AudiThe New Audi...

Go to May