May 1999


Highlights May 1999


On May 4, we had David Bernstein (visiting from Montreal), Rich Purtle (visiting from Portland), and Craig Storms (visiting from new Hampshire) over for dinner along with Sam and Jake Bernstein.

Dr. Bernstein relaxes after dinner and wineRich provides a legal opinion on the finer points of dining ...






Craig demontrates fine art of locating his wedding ring after dropping it down a heating duct...

What a relief!David and "the good Sam"







Jon went to Venture '99, a Red Herring venture capital conference at Squaw Valley, near Lake Tahoe. Unfortunately, Care did not get to go along, but Jon had fun anyway...

The Resort at Squaw Valley - where the conference was heldThe Squaw Valley Ski area






Still snow on the slopes!!!A lift - just shutting down for the season







Over Memorial Day weekend, we attended the Mountain Play, an annual Marin County tradition, at the amphitheater on top of Mt. Tamelpias. We saw West Side Story. After the play, we hiked seven miles down the mountain to Mill Valley.

A view of the playA musical number....






tCare tries to prevent her picture from being taken by the Papparaziapparently she was unsuccessfulAnother well known playgoer






there was quite a crowd up on Mt. Tamincluding some real charactersA view of the stage - the bay and Sausalito in the background






The trail down - 7 miles to downtown Mill ValleyView of the bay and city on the hike down






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