September 1999


Highlights September 1999

Over Labor Day weekend, we went to the Sausalito Art Festival...

Sausalito Art FestivalArt Festival






tourist at the art festivalActing like a tourist!!!!






View from the pierCorp of Engineers tug boat






Tourist at the "Golden Gate Bridge"Sausalio Sail Boats






From September 11-18, we went hiking in the Swiss Alps. A sampling of pictures appears below. Click here to read about and see more pictures of our vacation.

Care hiking on the face of EigerThe streets of Zurich






GrindelwaldGrindelwald mountains






House in MurrenCare gets sheepish!!


On September 19, we went to a party at the Schramsberg Vinyards in Napa held by Anne Bonaparte and her husband Judd.  This is an annual event to which Anne and Judd invite a variety of friends, relatives, and colleagues.


One of our hosts...Schramsberg Vinyards Invitation






Schramsberg PartyShirley and Jon






Bill Bush and a young BushBrian Mathews and his girlfriend






Diana and JJOur Founder





Jake BassDaryl






Marty MolkenbuhrShirley






Picnicthe toast






Carl, Jon, Marty, and CareAnne, Jon, and Care




Anne and the Pittmans