The morning of Wednesday, September 5, we docked in Ketchikan at 6:40am. We
awakened to rain and the sight of Ketchikan at dawn from our stateroom...
![Ketchikan at Dawn](AKKKDawn.jpg) ![The Wharf](AKKKWharf.jpg)
We flew a Di Havilland Beaver Seaplane up to a bear preserve to watch bears in
the wild fish for Salmon.
![Beaver](AKKKBeaver1.jpg) ![Beaver](AKKKBeaver2.jpg)
![Beaver Docking](AKKKBeaver3.jpg) ![Beaver in the air](AKKKBeaver4.jpg)
![Bears](AKKKBear1.jpg) ![Bears](AKKKBear2.jpg) ![Salmon Run](AKKKSalmonRun.jpg)
In the afternoon, we got into our raingear and sea kayaked around the Ketichkan
![Care in Rain Gear](AKKKRainGear.jpg) ![Kayaking](AKKKYak.jpg) ![Care Paddling](AKKKYakCare.jpg)
![Creek Street](AKKKCreek.jpg) ![Rhapsody of the Seas](AKKKRhapsody.jpg)
![Departing with a Tug](AKKKTug.jpg) ![Leaving for Juneau](AKKKDepart.jpg)
We departed at 2:30 and headed for Juneau