Highlights of April 1999
- Post Ranch - weekend getaway to Post Ranch
- Palm Springs - Autodesk sales
conference (and volleyball game) in Palm Springs
- Audi - Care's new car
We stayed at Post Ranch in Big Sur over Easter Weekend and did a
major 10 mile hike over the coast range into the Big Sur River valley. This is a waterfall
at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park on the Big Sur coast.
![Falls at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park](surbigfalls.jpg)
We stayed in Post Ranch in an "Ocean House"
![Room in our ocean house at Post Ranch](surroom.jpg) ![Our Ocean House at Post Ranch](surhouse4.jpg)
![The view from our house at Post Ranch](surhouse1.jpg)
![Post Ranch from Coast Ridge Road](surpostview1.jpg) ![Care reading](surcareread.jpg)
On Sunday, we did a 10 mile hike over the Coast Range and down the Big Sur River valley.
![Care resting during the hike](surcarehike1.jpg) ![The start of the Terrace Creek Trail](surtrailsign.jpg)
![National Forest Sign](sursign.jpg) ![The trail](surhiketrail.jpg)
![Care needs a snack](surcarehike.jpg) ![A tired hiker rests on the trail](surcarerest.jpg)
![Close to the end](surjonyellow.jpg)
In mid-April we went to Palm Springs for an Autodesk meeting -
of course it was not all work, we got in a party and volleyball game. While Jon was in
meetings, Care attended tennis camp and visited a desert museum. She walked a mile for a
![MCAD Party in Palm Springs](mcadparty.jpg) ![Jon tries to serve](MCADServe.jpg)
![Care socializes at the party](mcadcare.jpg) ![Care walks a mile for a camel at the desert museum](Carecamel.jpg)
After being rear-ended by a local teenager driving a BMW, Care decided to trade in her
10-year old Audi for a new Audi Quattro A4. It is almost the identical
car -- with 10 years of improvements
![The old ('89) Audi](oldaudi.jpg) ![The New Audi...](audifrontleft.jpg)
Go to May