September started with a lazy Labor day weekend with lots of hiking, biking, and tennis. It quickly heated up with a night at Hamilton (the musical) and a picnic at Pt. Reyes. Mid-month, Jon went to Boston for an executive education at Harvard's Kennedy School. He went out to Newton, MA to have dinner with Ken.
Hike Behind our House
Jon began September on Labor Day weekend with a hike behind our house. This is a part of the Mount Burdell open space preserve which our house backs up to. Jon has done this before, but it is a lot easier now that we installed gate in our back fence. Jon hiked straight up to the top and got some photos that are not normally seen. This is a little-travelled part of Mt. Burdell and it is good to know what is behind us.
13 Oaks Trail
September 2, we hiked the 13 Oaks Trail on Mount Burdell open space preserve. This is a new trail in a property that was added to Mt. Burdell as part of a land acquisition this year. It had a lot of uphill and beautiful views. It was reminiscent of our Black Mountain hike in June, although the weather was better.
On September 5, we saw Hamilton, the musical, at the SHN Orpheum Theater in San Francisco. We enjoyed the performance and were glad we had both read about Hamilton's life so we could follow the story.
Pt. Reyes Beach Picnic
September 7, we had a picnic at Limantour Beach at Pt. Reyes National Sea Shore with Jon's colleague, Hilmar. Hilmar made grilled cheese and we flew his kite in very gusty winds.
Bay Tour
Jon took Darren, George, and Yaël on a bay tour. It was a beautiful September day and we got great views of the bay, SF, the Golden Gate Bridge, Oakland, and Napa.
Photos and video courtesy of Yaël Eisenstat
Visit with Ken
Jon visited his friend and former co-worker Ken, and his wife Angeline and son Cole in Newton, MA. Jon had not seen Angeline since hers and Ken's wedding. Cole, their son, is now 14 so that was a long time ago.
Photo courtesy of Cole Tometsko
Kennedy School of Government Leadership Course
Jon participated in a week-long executive education course on Leadership for the 21st Century at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. The class had 82 participants, about half international from all levels of government, NGOs, and the private sector. We were housed at a hotel about a mile away from Harvard Square so Jon got to walk to and from class each day along the Charles River.
Photo courtesy of Harvard Kennedy School
Tesla Powerwalls
In late September, we installed two Tesla Powerwalls to backup our electrical power in case of power shutdown. With the fire danger in Northern California, PG&E has warned that it may shutdown our power as a precautionary measure. The powerwalls will provide some backup in case of such a shutdown. As part of the installation, the Tesla electricians rebuilt out entire power panel, just rationalizing years of accretive work.