Little Colorado
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Grand Canyon Trip - June 6 - Little Colorado

On Wednesday, June 6, we went through some small rapids...

Small rapid avove the Little ColoradoSmall Rapids

... and passed the Park Superintendent on a private river trip...

Park Superintendent and rangers

... then took a break at the Little Colorado River for swimming some small rapids and jumping from a rock. The color of the Little Colorado was extremely blue since there was no rain coming from upstream...

Little Colorado ShoreThe blue color of the Little Colorado River

Jon and Care in the Little ColoradoJon Jumping from the Big RockRocks in the Little Colorado






Ready to JumpThe gang at the Little Colorado

John Saguto in the Little ColoradoJon and Care surf the little colorado

After the Little Colorado, we ran Unkar Rapid. Unkar was the downfall of our boat - piloted by Tom - a.k.a. "Hydro". We flipped in Unkar with Tom, Jon, Leslie, Care, Scott, and Amy aboard. We managed to get on top of the boat and ride through the rapid and, once we got into the eddy, to right ourselves. It was a memorable moment in the trip, but we were all too busy to take pictures.

The next day we head for Vishnu Creek