Grand Canyon Trip - July 5 -
We did a few rapids on the morning of June 5th...
![Tom "Hydro" negotiating a rapid](GC_Rapid1.jpg) ![Tom running the rapid](GC_Rapid2.jpg)
![Hydro and team surfing a rapid](GC_Rapid_Surf.jpg) ![An Oar boat rowed by Wayne with all of our worldly goods](GC_Oar_Boat.jpg)
![A paddle boat piloted by Nichole](GC_PaddleBoat1.jpg) ![Tom's boat and an Oar Boat](GC_Paddleboat2.jpg)
Right before lunch, we got tired and talked a motor rig into towing us...
![Tow by a motor rig](GC_SC_Tow.jpg)
We stopped for a hike at Saddle Canyon.
![Butte in Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_Butte.jpg) ![Cut in Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_Cut.jpg) ![River at Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_River2.jpg)
![River at Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_River1.jpg) ![Care Hiking Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_Care_Hike.jpg)
At the head of the canyon was a refreshing fall. After the hike, we had lunch.
![Jon in Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_Jon.jpg) ![Care in Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_Care.jpg) ![Laura](GC_SC_Laura.jpg)
![John and Leslie](GC_SC_Saguto.jpg) ![Ralph and Leslie](GC_SC_Ralph_Leslie.jpg) ![Amy and Scott](GC_SC_Amy_Scott.jpg)
![The Blankenship Clan](GC_SC_Blankenship.jpg) ![The Hike Out](GC_SC_Hikeout.jpg)
![Jon and Care in Saddle Canyon](GC_SC_JonCare.jpg) ![Brent](GC_SC_VietCong.jpg)
We camped at Nankoweap (we are the little tiny yellow boats in the cove in
the picture at left) and hiked up to the Anasazi Graneries. Click on the group
photo for an enlargement.
![Our camp at Nankoweap](GC_Nan_Camp.jpg) ![The Canyon at Nankoweap](GC_Nan_Canyon3.jpg)
![Canyon at Nankoweap](GC_Nan_Canyon2.jpg) ![Canyon at Nankoweap](GC_Nan_Canyon4.jpg) ![Canyon at Nankoweap](CG_Nan_Canyon_5.jpg)
![Hiking up to the Graneries](GC_Nan_Hikeup.jpg) ![The Group at the Graneries](GC_Nan_Group.jpg)
![The step](GC_Nan_Step.jpg) ![Amy](GC_Nan_Amy.jpg)
The next day we left for the Little Colorado River.