July was redux month we once again celebrated Hilmar and Neta's birthdays and did the MALT Black Mountain Hike - this time without the overcast. Jon did a beautiful Mt. Tam ride in his e-bike an we went to a pizza party at Hilmar's for Tim and Dori who were passing through town.
Neta and Hilmar's 84th Birthday
Mid-July, a bunch of us got together for happy hour at Boca Pizzaria in Corte Madera to celebrate Hilmar and Neta's birthdays. Their combined age is 84. The last time we did this we were working in downtown SF and their combined age was 80.
Selfie courtesy Mick
Black Mountain Hike
In late July, Jon, Care and Care's friend, Ruth, hiked to the top of Black Mountain in West Marin. The mountain is on private land protected by the Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT). Care and Jon hiked this in June 2019, but it was completely socked in by a cloud layer. This time it was clear and the views were spectactular. Check out the view right now with the PG&E Fire camera mounted on top of Black Mountain.
Mt. Tamelpias Ride
Jon took his e-bike for a ride on Mt. Tamelipas - along West Ridgecrest Road to the Fairfax-Bolinas Road and and up East Ridgecrest to East Peak. The e-bike made it not only possible but relatively easy. It was a beautiful day and beautiful ride - made me grateful that we live in such a beautiful place. The front of the 360 views below are kind of blurry. I think this is because there was oil on the front 360 lens from my last airplane flight with this camera. Lesson learned.
Colonel Tim Pizza Party
Colonel Tim Spaulding came through town in his change of command from Edwards AFB to Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. Hilmar threw a Pizza Party for Tim and Dori at his Pt. Reyes estate. Radha and Marco called in and Jon flew the drone around Hilmar's estate and into the trees.