November 2000



Highlights of November 2000

Visit to Jon's Parents in North Carolina

The first weekend in November, we visited Jon's parents, Em and Don Pittman, in Lake Lure, North Carolina. We saw the last vestiges of fall color and watched a very exciting, but non-conclusive election.

Captain Don pilots the boatMom on the lake







Lake LureMore of the lake






more still of the lakemore lake






A house on Lake LureTrees on the golf course






At the apple orchardThe town of Lake Lure









North Carolina ColorLeaves in Lake Lure






Grove Park InnFireplace at Grove Park Inn



Thanksgiving Barbeque

The day after Thanksgiving, we had our tennis friends - the Salands, the Pitsons, and the Ketchums over for a post-holiday barbeque.

Fred holds courtRichard Saland, Dave Pitson, Corlis Saland





Richard Saland (correcting bro fred) and Dave PitsonSheri Ketchum, Wendy






Asia visits with MikeTrout restsAsia goes for an ice cube






Asia ScavangesThe Saland brothers get the last word in....