September 2013



Highlights of September 2013

See what we were reading in September 2013


See the progress of our renovations in August-Oct.

Peak to Peak Walk
On September 7, 2013, we participated in the Peak2Peak Walk sponsored by the Walk San Francisco advocacy organization.  On the 12.6 mile walk, there are 10 peaks/hills: Dorothy Erskine Park, Mount Davidson, Forest Hill, Golden Gate Heights, Turtle HIll, Strawberry Hill, Prayerbook Cross, Washington HS, Legion of Honor and Sutro Heights.  Our group is below at left. Below at right is Jon at Dorothy Erskine Park. Below us are views of San Bruno mountain and

The next peak is Mount Davidson 925 ft including the Mt. Davidson Cross.  There were great views of the financial district and the entire city from Mt. Davdson. We enjoyed walking the different neighborhoods along the way.  The Moraga Steps were a pleasant surprise when we looked back from our descent.

This panorama is taken facing north capturing Golden Gate Park, the Golden Gate Bridge and Mt Tam in the distance.

Jon went to Washington, D.C. and visited the Pentagon, Naval Academy, and National Air and Space Museum

Tony Peach

In late September, our friend and colleague, Tony Peach (51), died after a protracted battle with cancer. Tony worked at Autodesk with us and was a really great guy. We will miss him greatly.


On to October 2013