November 2005


Highlights of November 2005

Click here to see what we were reading in November

Mom and Dad

The week before Thanksgiving, Jon's parents came to visit. We went for a couple of flights,  Dad got to pilot a Segway at the airport, and Mom went for a drive in Jon's TT.

Sea Ranch

We rented an oceanfront house at Sea Ranch, on the Sonoma Coast for the weekend. Jon and his Dad flew into the Sea Ranch airstrip and Care and Mom drove up.

Jon and Dad at Sea Ranch Airstrip Care, Dad, and Mom with the plane
Summerwind - house we rented at Sea Ranch View from the Bluff
A tourist At Sea Ranch Lodge
Takeoff Roll from Sea Ranch Liftoff


We had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and invited our friend Leslie to join us.

Ready to eat! Leslie
Mom and DadMom and Dad

TasZAsiaEven the dogs had a good time...

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