December 2005


Highlights of December 2005

Read our Holiday Letter

Click here to see what we were reading in December '05.


Right after Thanksgiving, Jon took a trip to China and India. First stop was Beijing for a conference on the Design for the New China Market. A cold wind was blowing out of Mongolia so the temperature was below freezing. He was in Beijing over a weekend and toured the familiar sights of Tiananmen Square.

Great Hall of the People
National Museum

On Sunday, Jon joined up with some fellow conference attendees. We first went to an open-air market where country people were selling their wares. It was so cold that the Tibetans even closed up shop early.

The next stop on Sunday was a converted electronics factory on the outskirts of Beijing that had been made into Art Studios. There were a number of small studios and gallery spaces with some very interesting art.


After China, Jon went to India with stops in Mumbai (Bombay), Delhi, and Pune. There were not as many photo opportunities, but here is what it looked like out of the hotel window in Mumbai.


On to January 2006