In August we transitioned our interns. The summer interns went back to school and our new SECDEF Fellow arrived.
Corporate Strategy Team Picnic
August 10, we held a picnic for Jon's Corporate Strategy Team at our house. We scheduled so our departing interns - Neta, Yaoli, Berto, and Jesse could come along with Tim, our incoming DOD Fellow. We had about 25 people at our house. About 10 of us went on a hike up Mt. Burdell. We had good food and drink, and Neta organized a flash dance.
Photo courtesy Hilmar Koch
Photos courtesy Hilmar Koch
Left photo courtesy Hilmar Koch
Drone videos coming....
Corporate Strategy Interns
The week of August 13 was near the end for our fabulous tranche of summer interns. It was Neta's last week and Jesse, Yaoli, and Berto all finish the following week. Wait, who is that exit-level intern on the left? I guess we worked them pretty hard, they left exhausted.
Photos courtesy Neta Tamir