April, like March, was taken up with knee rehabilitation. Jon was able to get out more. He went into the office a couple of times for meetings, went to an event commemorating Cornell Professor Don Greenberg in the Autodesk Gallery, and even with to Carmel for the EG Conference. By the end of the month, he was almost ready to return to work, while still doing physical therapy once or twice a week.
Autodesk hosted an event commemorating Don Greenberg, Jon's professor at the Cornell Program of Computer Graphics. Jon found this picture from the lab in 1981 with Dan, Kim, Jon (back to the camera) and Don
Photos courtesy Cornell Program of Computer Graphics
Our friends, Nick and Cynthia, were in town for the Don Greenberg event, so we joined them a couple of days after the event at Cala, a San Francisco Mexican restaurant.
Hippie Modernism
We went to an exhibit titled Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia at the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive. The exhibit was curated by our friend Andrew Blauvelt, formerly of the Walker Muesum in Minneapolis and now at Cranbrook Art Museum. The exhibit is about the utopian ideals at the intersection of hippies and technology. Jon had read most of the books in the exhibit and found reference to a number of friends, particularly the Cranbrook crowd from High Ground. Even though Berkeley is close by, Jon got tired - but it was worth the outing.