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  • Political Messaging

Political Messaging

No sooner have we left sight of the Havana airport, when we spot our first political billboard quoting from Fidel Castro  referring to the January 1959 Cuban Revolution.

"Fellow workers and peasants, this is the socialist and democratic revolution of the working people, with the working people, and for the working people. And for this revolution of the working people, by the working people, and for the working people we are prepared to give our lives."

Next we encounter the building as political billboard in the Plaza de la Revolucion.  The facade of the Ministerio del Interior bears a mural of the Che Guevara  with the inscription "Toward victory always."
Situated beside the Interior building is the Ministerio de Informatica Y Communicaciones with the face of another revolutionary hero Camilo Cienfuegos with "Long live Fidel". 

Also found in the Plaza de la Revolucion is the Monumento a Jose Marti.  The base of the tower is 5-pointed stars and has an observation platform on the top floor.  Jose Marti is known as the "spiritual father of the revolution" and revered in Cuban history.  His short lived life dedicated to revolution against the Spanish was ended in his martyrdom in 1895.

The Plaza, under the watchful presence of Marti, served as a focal point for Fidel's major speeches on the revolution.