July 2009


Highlights of July 2009

See what we were reading in July 2009

Road Bikes

Over the July 4th weekend we bought road bikes and a bike rack for the jeep at Mike's Bikes.


Coastal Trail - Mt. Tam

On the 4th of July, we hiked the Coastal Trail at Mt. Tamelpias in southern Marin - one of our favorite hikes. At the start of the hike, the fog was rolling in from the coast. By the end, it was sunny.


Mill Valley-Sausalito Ride

We took our new bikes on the Mill-Valley bike trail into Sausalito. This was an easy 12 mile ride with great scenery and tourist attractions in Sausalito.


Tiburon Ride

The last weekend in July we rode around Tiburon and Belvedere - a fabulous ride - the weather was great and the ride was really fun.


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