June 2007


Highlights of June 2007

See what we were reading in June '07


At the beginning of June, Jon went to Oslo for the opening of an Art exhibit called "Envisioning Change" sponsored by Autodesk at the Nobel Peace Center . The midnight sun was in evidence. It stayed light until midnight and the sun came up at 4am. The opening was attended by the Princess of Norway.

Upper Patio and Retreat

In early June, the crew constructed a stackstone wall for our retreat and laid flagstone on sand for our upper patio (where the picnic table and hammock go)

See garden walk for the next steps in the construction process.


On Sunday, June 11, we went to the Mountain Theater on top of Mt. Tamelpias to see the a production of the musical, Hair. We took a picnic lunch. It was hot and sunny. Hair was a blast. Afterwards, we walked down the mountain to Mill Valley.

Garden Walk

The crew worked on a garden walk - it did not have the effect we wanted - not subtle enough - so we had to have it redone until we got the look we wanted. The crew also laid the deck for the retreat.

See flagstone fit and finish.


Angel Flight

Mid June I flew and Angel Flight mission to return kids from burn camp. See an article written for Autodesk's internal website by my mission assistant.

Photos courtesy A. Yow

Flagstone fit and finish

The third week of June was mostly taken up with flagstone fit and finish and the installation of railroad tie stairs and path to the retreat.

See grout and stucco

Grout and Stucco

The final week of June involved grout, stucco, a stackstone wall along the west edge of our planter, and the beginning of work on electrical service. The bamboo hedge was lined, too.

See irrigation and lighting

On to July 2007