December 2001


2001 Christmas Letter

Highlights of December 2001


At the end of 2001, we undertook some major renovations, we...

  • upgraded the dishwasher and range in our kitchen
  • tiled the kitchen, family room, guest bath, and master bath
  • repainted the family room, kitchen, and living room
  • replaced our family room sliding door with a French door
  • replaced our lighting fixtures in the kitchen and dining room
  • recarpeted the living/dining room
  • got Care new office furniture for her study

It was quite a major event, keeping our house in a state of disrepair for a while, but hopefully it will be worth it.

Kitchen tileMaster Bath Before

Family Room (before)
Lower Bath with New TileFrench DoorFamily Room with New Tile

Family Holiday Party

Picking up sticks before the partyRobin and Em

Sister and Brother HowardDadCare

Robin and LeahUncle Roger and JonAdam


HalDad and CareSophie

Dad and JonHal and BrendonDebbie and Ken

Zach and LeahErinPajama Party

Pajama PartyEmily and Aunt CarePajama Party Clowns

Erin ErinErin


Brunch with Geof, Kath, Win, and Scott

Care, Scott, Win, KathGeofGeof opens the wine

KathWin and Scott

Kath and CareThe CakeThe Frog

Discreet Hornblower Cruise

In late December, Care went on a Bay Cruise on the Hornblower with some of her sales friends from Discreet.

Scott and DaraDara, Dennis, and CareLawrence and Wife

David, Care, and DennisDennis and David

Adam, Shanna, and LawrenceAnn Marie and Lawrence

David, Dara, Care, DennisAnn Marie, Dennis, Dara

Ventures Holiday Lunch

Right before the Holiday break, Jon's former Ventures team gathered for one last holiday brunch at the Buckeye Roadhouse.

Chris and JonJulie and BetsyChris

RichardBetsy and VickiPascal

Vicki and JuliePascal and Richard



Xmas in California

We had a quiet but plentiful Christmas: 2 computers, 1 digital camera, 1 super loaded SLR lens, shirts for Jon, CDs for Care, and a few good books.  Our week of rest was truly used for resting and IS work.  I thought we had moved to Seattle since it rained 10 days straight.  Asia now has web feet instead of paws.  
Jon and the lootOne of many computers in the household







And one last present...

Our belated anniversary gift arrived and was installed during one of the wettest days of the year. Believe it or not - we ate New Year's Eve dinner outside while christening our new heater. We squeezed in a few dry moments and a bottle of wine to celebrate the finality of 2001.

Anniversary heater







See our Christmas Letter...

Happy New Year - On to 2002